
The Diva Speaks

Observations and opinions about Hawaii

What My Dogs Have Taught Me As I Go Into The Last Chapter of My Life ©

I keep thinking how quickly it seems I got to this time in my life…I remember just yesterday when I was graduating from St. Andrew’s Priory after what appeared to me to be decades, but was only seven years…I remember all my successes and my many failures…Taking care of my parents for nine and a half years and I reminisce on each of my many four-legged children who are still with me and those who have passed…

The doggies I have currently were babies just a moment ago in my mind and yet they are now senior citizens at 14, 13, and 9 years of age…where did all the time go? I too, am now a senior citizen in my late sixties and if I am extremely lucky I will get another 20 years, but there is no denying it…I am in the last chapter of my life…And this chapter will probably be the most challenging of all with health, financial, and physical issues going forward…

I see so many of my older friends who were lions in the respective industries, now doddering and infirmed…Some with no brains due to Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia from diabetes and several who when young had money to literally burn and now are so fearful that inflation is eating up their fixed income… However, my Pupperteers have taught me a few lessons that I trust will get me through this final chapter of my life…And I believe they are teachings for everyone…

First, every morning when they wake up, they come over for kisses with each other and me…their relationships are their most important passion…

Second, even when they have aches and pains, they still wag their tails and get up to go for their morning walks to get some exercise and read their pee-mail to preserve their minds and to keep up to date with the goings on in their world…

Third, they believe every meal is to be eaten and enjoyed with gusto…Hamburger is good, salmon is better, chicken is the best…

Fourth, they make sure their teeth are brushed every day as it is important to avoid disease and the toothpaste tastes good too…

Fifth, baths and grooming are sometimes annoying, but needed to keep looking good…

Sixth, they don’t take themselves too seriously when they gain a pound or two because they believe there is just more to love…

Seventh, naps are the best, especially when taken after a good walk…

Eighth, when there are difficult times like having to go to the doctors especially when they hate them because the Docs are checking their butt or heart…they suck it up, sit still, and get the heck out of there as soon as possible…They understand if they take care of themselves, checkups only have to be once or twice a year…

Ninth, they get to the beach or park as often as they can because while they may not go swimming or running as they did when they were younger, digging their paws in the sand or rubbing themselves in dirt with the sun in their face and being in fresh air is the best medicine of all…

Tenth, when someone offers them a Puppicino, they meet them gleefully and enjoy the moments of fellowship and fun… And finally, but the most important of all, they believe to always have identification on themselves so if they get lost, they will be found…This has kept them always safe…

If I am completely honest, this last chapter of my life is a bit scary for me, but I am going to heed to my Pupperteers’ wisdom and hopefully it will be my best time of life yet…

Stephany Sofos